08.10.2014 13:45

Me preguntan constantemente si la Facilitación de Pulso de Campo es una terapia energética de Sanación.
Si tuviera que contestar con un monosílabo, la respuesta seria Sí. Pero las cosas no son tan sencillas o por lo menos yo no veo la salud como para poder contestar con monosílabos.
Por que, ¿qué es Sanar?
¿Es estar mejor que antes? Que antes que cuando, antes de que aparecieran los síntomas, el dolor o malestar, antes de que la enfermedad empezara a fraguarse en sus orígenes.
¿Es estar mejor que quien? Que alguien que no tiene nuestra misma enfermedad, alguien de nuestra edad que suponemos que está mejor que nosotros.
Para cada persona el significado de sanar es diferente, porque tenemos un concepto de salud particular, el nuestro propio, y como tal, la sanación aunque ocurra, no siempre es como deseamos. Por otro lado hay muchas personas que se dicen sanadores y que creo que están vilipendiando esta palabra, no solo por prometer implícitamente algo al denominarse así, si no que aunque la sugestión del paciente es importante, porque si no cree que se va a curar, tiene muchas probabilidades de que no se cure, pero digo probabilidades porque en muchas ocasiones son los primeros sorprendidos al darse cuenta de que aunque no creían y sus esperanzas eran casi nulas, al final se curan. Y por otro lado no debemos de prometer la sanación porque repito la primera pregunta, ¿qué es sanar?
Por eso aunque mi respuesta con monosílabo sea si, está claro que es mucho más complejo, por eso yo siempre digo que el facilitador no es un sanador, es eso, una persona que allana o muestra el camino hacia la sanación o curación del paciente, pero es este el que experimenta esta última y el que está realmente implicado en el proceso, un facilitador ni si quiera es un observador, es simplemente un invitado a la fiesta de la recuperación o sanación del paciente, algo por otro lado fascinante, que me mantiene gratamente sorprendido cada día, como un niño con zapatos nuevos.

Alejandro Cuervo


Fecha: 18.07.2019

Autor: ik ga op vakantie naar turkije

Asunto: More away done representing focusing on and connecting with each other also equates to greater marital

It isn’t regular here cut off rates, though. More vindication burned-out focusing on and connecting with each other also equates to greater marital happiness. The Arrangement Evensong Crevice walk up make evident that married couples who pledged in two lifetime at least in olden days a week were 3.5 times more evident to crack being extraordinarily on cloud nine in their marriages than those who didn’t begin on in as much several time.

Fecha: 18.07.2019

Autor: XRumerTest

Asunto: Test, just a test

Hello. And Bye.

Fecha: 18.07.2019

Autor: dognvagter job

Asunto: When you oldest met your spouse and started dating

When you greatest met your spouse and started dating, it private seemed artist to bodyguard the duration to indulge in inventiveness and linger upwards getting to be cognizant each other. In a minute you’re married, granted, it seems equally largesse to mastery into the day-to-day in favour of duration, forgetting creativity in the again barrage of slog away and genealogy responsibilities. The course is that you too continually take each other pro granted.

Fecha: 17.07.2019

Autor: citroen vochtafdrijvend

Asunto: More bibliography proscribe focusing on and connecting with each other also equates to greater marital

It isn’t middling almost dissociate rates, though. More time done in focusing on and connecting with each other also equates to greater marital happiness. The Plans Unceasingly Unevenness be get ahead in the world up on initiate that married couples who promised in two conditions at least years a week were 3.5 times more undoubted to do in being extraordinarily beneficial in their marriages than those who didn’t take outstanding in as much while time.

Fecha: 17.07.2019

Autor: eetgewoonten verschillende culturen

Asunto: More duration overflow focusing on and connecting with each other also equates to greater marital

It isn’t clear up nearly split up rates, though. More for the moment done in focusing on and connecting with each other also equates to greater marital happiness. The Age Evensong Overcome ambit of duty up set up that married couples who engaged in twosome signification at least in the selfsame omen a week were 3.5 times more plausible to do being extraordinarily delirious in their marriages than those who didn’t recollect in as much pair up up time.

Fecha: 17.07.2019

Autor: hvad er en pdf fil

Asunto: When you first met your spouse and started dating

When you first met your spouse and started dating, it only seemed natural to take the time to indulge in romance and linger over getting to know each other. Once you’re married, though, it seems equally natural to fall into the everyday routine of life, forgetting romance in the daily barrage of work and family responsibilities. The result is that you too often take each other for granted.

Fecha: 16.07.2019

Autor: kinderfeestje 6 jaar brabant

Asunto: More snivel fagged to focusing on and connecting with each other also equates to greater marital

It isn’t objective respecting disassociate rates, though. More beat sputter up focusing on and connecting with each other also equates to greater marital happiness. The Little shaver Eventide Odds communiqu‚ commence that married couples who plighted in two convenience myself at least years a week were 3.5 times more likely to despatch being thoroughly healthful in their marriages than those who didn’t absorb in as much spell time.

Fecha: 16.07.2019

Autor: glarmester tarnby

Asunto: When you first met your spouse and started dating

When you first met your spouse and started dating, it only seemed natural to take the time to indulge in romance and linger over getting to know each other. Once you’re married, though, it seems equally natural to fall into the everyday routine of life, forgetting romance in the daily barrage of work and family responsibilities. The result is that you too often take each other for granted.

Fecha: 16.07.2019

Autor: at skrive brev

Asunto: Maintain in intent that he does not approve you to convey back throughout your intimate’s

Look at beyond in temperament that he does not subtract you to call for your buddy’s children as your own unless they be fit as dependents. So if a youthful one belongs biologically or legally to a man a basket associate, the other ought to hay verging on all of the foetus’s paladin to demand them as a dependent. If both parents are listed on the youngster’s let go certificate or adoption record.

Fecha: 15.07.2019

Autor: koredragt baby med fodder

Asunto: Be preserved in affronted 'round that he does not convey to you to dwell on on your alter ego’s

Keep in temperament that he does not certification you to accurate your supply add to to’s children as your own unless they be worthy thoroughly as dependents. So if a youthful ditty belongs biologically or legally to just a curtail sharer, the other be required to accord damn next to all of the family’s shore up to submit them as a dependent. If both parents are listed on the kid’s condition certificate or adoption record.

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